It is extremely normal for every person to lose about 50-100 strands of hair every day. This happens due to the hair growth cycle, which requires the hair to be shed in the end, so that new hair can grow in its place. However, if the hair fall is beyond this number, or if you notice that your hair doesn't seem to be growing back at all, this could be a sign of excessive hair fall.
Hair thinning is often visible to the person witnessing it. There are multiple signs one might notice if they are experiencing this issue. Signs you should look for are Bald Patches, Hair Clumps, Reduced Ponytail size, Visible Scalp and even Lighter Weight Hair.
Your hair growth cycle consists of three stages.
i) Anagen: Your hair begins to grow
ii) Catagen: Your hair stops growing
iii) Telogen: Your hair falls off
No matter what your age is, your hair growth cycle remains the same. However, after 30, different factors such as age, stress, styling, colouring, etc. can cause your hair to enter the telogen stage faster, thereby giving you hair fall.
What happens to your hair as you age is related to the factors in the environment around it. What you eat, the hours you sleep and even the stress levels you go through. With age, your hair begins to get affected with these factors, causing it's melanin production to reduce or stop. This in turn triggers your hair to becoming lifeless and loosen itself from the roots, hence causing an increased hair fall rate.
Do we have healthy hair? The best way to find out is after a great hair wash. Some of the ways to confirm this include minimal hair shedding, smooth hair texture, adjustment to moisture, dandruff-free scalp, minimal breakage in styling, shiny hair strands, and finally your hair moves freely without staying in a clump.
There are several types of female pattern baldness that can be inherited by females. Some of them include,
Androgenetic Alopecia
Telogen Effluvium
Anagen Effluvium
Alopecia Areata
Please note that despite of having a pattern baldness condition it is always possible for you to take better care of your hair and prevent or reduce hair fall in general.
Combing and brushing is a very stimulating experience for your hair roots and your scalp. It can up the blood circulation and effectuate hair growth. However, activities like combing and brushing also involve basically pulling your hair slightly. So, while this is a pleasant activity in short bursts, overdoing this might lead to excessive hair fall.
Multiple studies have shown that stress and hair fall are directly linked. In fact three types of hair loss - Telogen Effluvium, Trichotillomania, Alopecia Areata - are associated with hair fall. However, hair fall caused by stress doesn't have to be permanent. Once stress is reduced, hair growth cycle can return to normalcy. During this time, it's important to use efficient anti-hair fall products like Pantene Hair Fall Control Shampoo and Conditioner with Pro-Vitamin for strong and fabulous hair. Nonetheless, if you continue having patchy hair loss, it's advisable to see a doctor.
Every person requires a certain amount of sleep for their body and mind to function properly. Lack of sleep is known to cause some complications in the normal functioning of the body. It also causes an increase in stress levels which is in turn known to cause hair fall.
A daily hair wash may be too frequent for most scalps. It throws off the proportion of microbiome, causing an increase in bad bacteria and fungi on your scalp. This leads to inflammation and hair fall. It is recommended to gently cleanse you scalp 2-3 times a week depending on your natural sebum and dust build up. It is different for every body and so all you need to do is listen to your hair carefully.
There are many ways you can take care of your hair at home without having to visit the salon. The most important factor in reducing hairfall is to have a good hair-care regimen that includes regular oiling, shampooing, conditioning and using a serum. Pantene Advanced Hairfall Solution range is specifically aimed to help with this problem, and Open Hair Miracle can be used as an oil and a serum as well. You can even leave it on for 30 minutes before shampoo with a hot towel to deep condition your hair.
An anti-hairfall shampoo is one that can reduce hairfall while locking in moisture. It's important to choose a shampoo that has ingredients that will make your hair stronger and reduce breakage. Pantene Advanced Hairfall Solution range has Pro-V formula that helps strengthen your hair.
Some ingredients that make for stronger hair are protein, amino acids, vitamins, biotin, among many. Pantene Advanced Hairfall Solution range of products that is infused with Pro-V formula that strengthens and nourishes hair.
Yes, excessive heat damages the surface of the hair shaft, as well as the bonds within the hair that gives it its strength. This causes rough looking and brittle hair. This is why it's important to always use a good heat protectant product like Open Hair Miracle before applying heat to your hair, as it not only protects your hair but also provides moisture and hydration.
Excess heat causes deep damage in the bonds of the hair and therefore it cannot be reversed. That's why it's so important to always protect your hair from heat-styling. You can use products like Open Hair Miracle that provides resistance to heat damage and nourishes your hair.
Hair thinning is reduced hair density caused by natural hair-aging and fragile hair. Hair loss, on the other hand, is increased hair fall usually in a shorter than usual amount of time. In other cases, hair fall is more pronounced when new hair does not replace the fallen hair strands too. While genetics play a factor in hair loss, other factors like bad diet, stress, certain medication, and external factors play a big role in hair loss. A balanced diet and a good hair regimen goes a long way in preventing hair fall. Use products like Pantene Advanced Hairfall Solution range as it is aimed at reducing hairfall. It also contains the goodness of Pro-Vitamin to nourish and strengthen your hair.
Hair fall caused by genetics is also called pattern baldness. It usually happens with age and is inherited by blood. Is also knows as androgenic alopecia. It is the most common cause of hair loss and while it cannot be prevented completely, it can be temporarily halted or significantly slowed down. Maintaining a balanced diet with lots of protein and vitamins can help in this scenario. Using a shampoo and conditioner like Pantene Advanced Hairfall Solution range that is infused with various ingredients aimed at reducing hairfall and nourishing hair can also go a long way.
A receding hairline is a hereditary trait, and while it cannot be treated outright, it can be significantly slowed down with over the counter medication called minidoxil (Rogaine) that has been proven to slow down receding hairline. However, remember to always consult your doctor before starting any new medication. A good hair care regimen goes a long way in helping your hair remain healthy and strong, and incorporating a good anti-hairfall shampoo like Pantene Advanced Hairfall Solution ensures that hairfall is significantly reduced.
Split ends are caused when parts of your hair shaft get damaged, which results in brittle hair prone to breakage and consequently, hair fall. There can be a lot of reasons for split ends like excessive dryness, heat damage, chemical treatments, hair colouring, or regular wear and tear. They can be avoided to a certain extent if one is careful to be gentle with their hair, and provide it with lots of moisture, and by always using a heat protectant before using heat styling tools. A product like Open Hair Miracle acts as a leave in conditioner and serum to provide your hair with the moisture it needs to avoid being excessively dry. It also acts as a heat protectant to minimize damage by heat styling tools. If your split ends are few, then it's completely normal and nothing to worry about. In which case, regular trimming is recommended for healthy, split end free hair.
Frizz takes over when the hair shaft doesn't get enough moisture to maintain it's shine and smoothness. This is why incorporating a good conditioner into your daily hair care regimen is such an important step, as it restores moisture in your hair. Minimizing the use of heat styling tools is also recommended as they tend to dry out your hair and cause frizz. Always use a hydrating product like Open Hair Miracle that locks in moisture and prevents frizz. In fact, it also acts as a heat protectant for the days you end up using heat to style your hair.
Hair fall is caused by a lot of imbalances in the body. Most often, deficiencies of Vitamin A, C, D, including essential nutrients like zinc and iron, can cause hair fall. Which is why, consuming foods with the right nutrition and protein can help. In fact, nutritionists stress on an overall balanced diet, as it translates directly to a healthy body, which includes strong and healthy hair too.
Fruits rich in vitamin C promote hair health. So be sure to add oranges, strawberries, pineapples, gooseberries and lemon to your diet as much as you can. Additionally, bananas, rich in potassium, carbohydrates and vitamins promote shiny smooth hair. Just as anti-oxidant rich apples simulate hair growth.
All cells in the body need vitamin A for growth. In fact this vitamin moisturizes your scalp and keeps your hair healthy. A deficiency of B-vitamin called biotin, is directly linked to hair fall, which is why it's critical for hair health. Vitamin C protects you from hairfall caused by stress and free radical damage. Vitamin D deficiency is also linked to alopecia or hair loss, which makes it one of the key vitamins important for hair health.
Keeping your hair nourished helps you avoid hair breakage as well as hair fall. Some simple tips to follow are to oil your scalp, use the shampoo on your scalp primarily, always use a vitamin-rich anti-hairfall conditioner to avoid coarse, brittle and weak hair. Deep-condition with a home-made mask or a trusted product like Pantene Open Hair Miracle to ensure your hair stays super nourished.
While there are multiple studies being conducted on this even today, it is found in certain cases that specific types of fasting have been linked to hair fall. Some of the common ones being intermittent fasting and keto. This can occur due to stress or too little intake of protein too.
Women's journey through multiple life stages alters their hair health. Especially with the onset of menopause, there is excess production of androgens - a hormone by the adrenal gland otherwise known as their ovaries. This further alters the hormone metabolism of your body, resulting with hair loss. Which is why it becomes imperative to support your body nutritiously. We recommend the following. In protein related food - eggs, yoghurt, cottage cheese, fish, chicken, peanuts, and even lentils; carbohydrates such as rice, grain breads, pasta and fruit with low glycaemic load; vitamin rich diets which include green leafy vegetables, milk and so on.
Getting strong and healthy hair is a process that requires time. Which is why, it's advisable to follow an overall balanced diet and healthy lifestyle in order to avoid hair fall. A good start would be to consume protein rich foods like eggs, iron-rich foods like spinach or kale and vitamin C rich foods like oranges and pineapples. However, for it to show results, the most important ingredient is consistency.
Yes, fermented rice water good for your hair. It consists of amino acids, organic acids, vitamins & minerals and is acidic in nature. It restores the pH balance of your hair and closes your cuticles, thereby ensuring hair protection. During the process of rice water fermentation, a substance called ‘pitera’ is formed, which promotes cell generation. So, fermented rice water not only helps rejuvenate your hair but also reduce your hairfall.
Pro Vitamin B5 has the ability to add resilience to your hair and coat it with layers of strength. With its excellent ability to bond with hair, it ensures that the moisture loss doesn’t happen. Moreover, it also ensures that the cuticle of each strand is conditioned and smooth to touch.
Using rice water makes your hair lustrous, smooth, and helps it grow faster. Which is why Pantene scientists have added the goodness of fermented rice water - an age old method with Pro-Vitamin formula. To answer your question, yes you can keep rice water soaked in your hair overnight and wash it the following morning. Rice water can be kept as long as 18 hours in your hair, but later to that would create irritation, itching and cause bacterial growth.
Most of the times, your hairfall is directly linked to the way you treat it. Following a good haircare routine solves half of the problem. One must always follow the shampoo + conditioner routine diligently and wash their hair every 2-3 days, depending on their hair texture. From time to time, indulging in a great deep conditioning routine can help build hair strength. We recommend the Open Hair Miracle, which not just detangles your frizz but also nourishes it from within to fight hairfall. A few other tips to keep in mind: Avoid a hairbrush or a closed tooth comb, don't tie your hair too tight with a scrunchie and adapt a hairstyle that lets your hair feel alive.
Nutrition plays a very important role in ensuring healthy, voluminous locks. A good balanced diet with adequate amount of nutrients that hair requires, like proteins, vitamins, amino acids, biotin, etc is important as it prevents imbalances in your body that could lead to hairfall. However, crash dieting might deprive your body and hair of these very essential nutrients and cause hairfall.
Unhealthy food is bad for your hair just as it is bad for your body. Oily foods, alcohol, sugar and foods high in starch value are all bad for your hair and should never be consumed in excess amounts. A healthy diet ensures all the right nutrients reach your scalp and hair follicles to nourish them so that you get strong hair that can prevent hairfall.
Maintaining a healthy and nutritional diet is crucial in providing your hair with all the vitamins they need to remain healthy and strong, and to prevent hair loss. Some rich sources of vitamins are eggs, dairy products, lentils, spinach, meat and fish products as they are a rich source of all vitamins required for your hair. It's also important to maintain a regular hair care regime, and Pantene's Advanced Hairfall Solution range is infused with multiple vitamins and Pro-V formula to provide your hair with the extra nourishment it needs.
Your hair and body require the right nutrients to remain healthy and to grow. Fast foods do not provide such nutrients and are unhealthy for you if consumed in excess amounts. This is because fast foods like burgers, chips, or deep fried snacks contain a lot of fat and starch, which if consumed in excess, can clog up the pores on your scalp and lead to hair fall.
Yes, iron is a very important nutrient that your body and hair require. Iron improves blood circulation, and carries oxygen to your scalp, and a healthy well-nourished scalp means healthy well-nourished hair.
Iron makes your hair grow faster and longer. People who have an iron deficiency usually notice hair loss when the hair fails to get the required amount of iron needed for it to grow. Spinach is a really rich source of iron and has many other health benefits as well. Lentils are also high in iron and easy to incorporate into everyday meals.
Yes, hair has something called protein cross-links that give hair its strength. Lack of protein will weaken these bonds and cause breakage in hair, which could lead to hair fall.
Proteins are essential to healthy hair and make them strong and prevent breakage, which is why a balanced diet rich in proteins is important to prevent hairfall. Some of the best sources of protein are eggs and dairy products. Lentils are also a rich source of protein and also contain biotin which helps prevent hair loss. Beans also provide protein in good amounts. For the lovers of non-vegetarian food, we have good news! Meat and fish are rich sources of protein, and fish also contain Omega-3 fatty acids which are great for healthy hair.
Oily foods overstimulate your oil glands and can cause greasy hair. Hair that is too oily can get dirt, oil, pollution and product build-up clogging the pores and preventing hair growth, thus leading to hair fall. A healthy balanced diet, enough hydration and a regular hair care regimen is essential for having healthy hair.
Yes, green vegetables like spinach contain iron as well as other essential vitamins and proteins, that contribute to stronger hair and prevent breakage and hair fall. They are also very good for your body's health as well and should be incorporated into your diet as much as possible. Spinach and kale smoothies as well as salad bowls, are a few ways you can add them to your everyday diet.
Walnuts are great for preventing hairfall as they contain biotin, a vitamin required for hair growth. Walnuts also contain protein, which is a building block for your hair. Protein ensures that your hair is less prone to breakage and hair fall. Almonds are also a great source of vitamin E which promotes faster hair growth.
Hydration is extremely important for a healthy body and hair. Lack of water intake can result in dry and undernourished hair, which leads to brittle, easily damaged hair and hairfall. You should ideally consume over 2 litres of water daily to properly hydrate your body and have healthy, luscious hair.
Your hair goes through changes as you grow older. You may find your hair feeling too fine at times, or you may feel like it's losing its strength. In this case, you can always go for short length hairstyles like the classic short bob or a chopped pixie. And, if you want to try something with longer tresses, you can always add layers to not let your hair feel too heavy. Some hairstyles like long hair with bangs, long bobs can work magically for you.
It's a myth that haircuts reduce hair fall. Haircuts are good to remove spilt ends and damaged hair. However, they do not affect hair fall. It is better to cut the damaged and rough ends so as to reduce knots & tangles that can lead to hair breakage.
Extreme & continuous heat hairstyling can cause damage to the hair shaft over a periods of time. It can dry out your hair or cause heat damage, so it’s important to always use conditioner on your hair liberally after shampooing, and then using a heat protectant like Open Hair Miracle to provide your hair with enough moisture and protection from the heat. However, it's best to reduce heat styling as much as possible because over a period of time exposure to continuous heat can damage your hair.
Hairstyling does not affect hair growth, but you should still choose hairstyles carefully so as to avoid damage to your hair shaft. Choose a hairstyle that complements your natural hair texture, and brings out the best in it. You can always take some preventive measures to minimize hair damage as much as possible by using less heat styling tools, and always using a heat protectant like Open Hair Miracle if you do want to use heat to style your hair, not combing your wet hair or to avoid extremely tight hairstyles.
Leaving hair untied while sleeping can lead to tangled hair that can cause hair fall. The best way to avoid tangles while sleeping is to braid your hair before sleeping. This leads to less friction between your hair and the pillow which helps reduce tangles & hair fall. Having said that, loose braids are preferred over tight ones even throughout the day and not just at night. This is because less the pulling or tugging of hair due to the braid, less breakage. You can apply a leave-in conditioner like Pantene Open Hair Miracle before you braid your hair to make your smooth & more manageable.
Yes, pulling, teasing or even tugging your hair a lot during hairstyling can lead to hair fall. It is imperative that this is avoided as much even in general. For example, a wide tooth comb can be used to detangle your hair to minimize the pulling or use of a good heat protectant before styling like Pantene Open Hair Miracle which will not only protect your hair from the heat but also make them smoother & manageable. This will make the hairstyling experience easier and less of a hassle for your hair
If you twist your hair from the roots, or you twist it too tight and put a lot of pressure on your roots or hair shaft, it could lead to hair damage or breakage. Avoid regularly twisting your hair or pulling them a lot. If you are doing it regularly, avoid twisting it too tightly so as it avoid hair breakage and hair fall caused due to the constant pulling and friction.
Hair colouring has not been directly associated with hair loss. Having said that, dyes are known to contain chemicals like hydrogen peroxide and ammonia both of which are harsh on your hair. The lighter the colour you're going for, the harsher the chemicals in it. Subjecting your hair to constant colouring over a period of time can weaken and damage the hair shafts causing irreversible breakage and hair loss.
Just protect your hair as much as you can ladies and they'll always make you look gorgeous!
Perming and straightening of hair is done using a lot of harsh products. If one doesn't follow the correct timing, it can lead to hair breakage, hair fall and even in some cases hair burning. Exposure to harsh chemicals damages hair over time leading to weak & brittle hair, if not done correctly. This can in the long run affect hair health and growth. While we live in a day or age that perming and straightening is common and easily accessible, one must still focus on improving one's natural hair texture rather than changing it drastically.
It's important to maintain healthy hair no matter what hairstyle you choose. The 3 best practices to prep your hair before styling would be to shampoo, condition and use a heat protectant. One must always choose a shampoo based on one's scalp type while conditioners need to chosen as per hair type. One must always apply a heat protectant like Pantene Open Hair Miracle to reduce the hair damaged caused by heat styling. You can also use Pantene Open Hair Miracle as a pre-conditioning treatment before hair wash. You can opt for the Pantene Hair fall Control Shampoo & Conditioner as it contains Pro-Vitamin B5 Formula that strengthens hair from within.
Flyaways can be annoying, but also easily dealt with or hidden. if you have longer hair, a messy bun goes a long way in making your hair look effortlessly stylish while making your flyaways blend in. Pixie cuts can also be styled in ways that make flyaways invisible and look great. Flyaways are caused by frizzy hair, which is easily fixed by providing your hair with the moisture it needs. Using a product like Open Hair Miracle can work wonders for taming frizzy hair and flyaways.
Hair is weakest when it's wet, so never attempt to style it unless its dry. It's also important to be gentle with your hair and never roughly tank or tug at it to detangle it, as it could damage the hair and cause breakage. It is okay to blast dry your hair using hot air but heat styling equipments like tongs or curling irons should be avoid on wet hair. One can use Pantene Open Hair Miracle as it detangles your hair and provides protection from heat, and you can then style your hair however you want.
Heat protectants protect your hair from the heat styling damage caused by various styling tools like straightener, curlers, irons etc. They help nourish & moisturize hair and need to be a must-have before every time you style your hair, especially in the long run. Apart from giving moisture & nourishment to your hair, heat protectants also make your hairstyle stay on for longer. You can opt for a good heat protectant like Pantene Open Hair Miracle.
You should condition your hair every single time you shampoo. Shampoo cleans your hair but also strips away the moisture, which could result in dry, rough & tangles hair leading to hair breakage. Conditioner restores the moisture and leaves your hair smooth. Pantene Hair fall Control Conditioner from their Advanced Hair fall Solution Range nourishes your hair and prevents it from hair damage or breakage cause by tangles.
Leave-in conditioners are used after normal after shampoo conditioning, to provide extra moisture that your hair can soak in to regain smoothness and softness. It smoothens the hair cuticle and helps in easier detangling with minimum damage. Pantene Open Hair Miracle can be used as a leave-in conditioner as it not only conditions the hair but also tames the frizz. These also protect you from the environment. They are as important for your hair as a sunscreen for your skin.
Heat dries out and damages your hair irreversibly, and should be used as sparingly as possible. Anything above 220 degrees Celsius starts damaging your hair, and temperatures should ideally not go above 285 degrees Celsius or it runs the risk of causing severe damage to the hair shaft, breakage, split ends etc. The damage from heat styling tools can be minimized by using a good heat protectant product like Pantene Open Hair Miracle which protects your hair while locking in moisture so your hair doesn't get dried out.
Yes, definitely air drying is better than blow-drying. Blow drying uses heat, which damages your hair shaft and can lead to a plethora of problems that could be irreversible, over a period of time.
Air drying does not damage your hair in the same way and is ideal if you want to avoid unnecessary heat usage. Use a towel to pat dry your hair after you shampoo and condition your hair, and don't forget to use a leave-in conditioner like Pantene Open Hair Miracle to moisturize your hair and prevent it from getting frizzy.
Detangle your hair gently using your fingers or a wide-tooth comb, and let it air dry instead of blow-drying it. If one must use a blow dryer, it is advisable to use the cold blast instead of the hot air.
One must ensure that hair is dry before stepping out - you can either opt for air drying your hair or blast drying it with cold air.
Most people actually don't know the proper way to use hair dryers and just put it on the highest setting and blast it on their hair. This can actually cause damage to your hair and make it rough and frizzy. Before using a hair dryer, you should always use a heat protectant like Pantene Open Hair Miracle to protect your hair from heat damage. Always hold the hair dryer at least 15 cm away from your hair, and angle it such that the hot air blows in the direction of root to tip, so that it doesn't make the hair rough and causes as little damage as possible. It is important to move the drier from left to right, so there is no concentrated or a particular spot that receives more heat which can result in causing irreversible damage.
Overnight Hair rollers are excellent for getting voluminous hair without the heat damage. From short spiral curls to twist flex rods, there are various options that one can try. Even overnight hair rollers have pros & cons. The biggest pro being the zero heat damage. The biggest con would be if rollers are wound too tightly, they can cause hair breakage along the hair shaft, or even from the root. It is very important to use them less often to avoid pressure on the hair & friction while sleeping. Also, one must use a leave-in conditioner like Pantene Open Hair Miracle before using rollers as it can help smoothen the hair and avoid tangles.
You should not use heat on your hair everyday because it will dry out your hair and damage it. You should avoid stepping out with wet hair as cuticles are still open but if you don't have time to air dry your hair, you can cold blast dry your hair as that is better than hot air. One must ensure that hair is dry before stepping out - you can either opt for air drying your hair or blast drying it with cold air. Whenever you need to use a blow dryer, always use a heat protectant like Pantene Open Hair Miracle that reduces the risk of causing permanent damage to your hair that can lead to unhealthy, brittle hair that would lead to an increase in hair damage.
Salons will usually wash your hair for you before cutting it. This is done to get a better, cleaner finish for hairstylists to cut your hair and style them perfectly.
Hair serums are usually very lightweight and can be used everyday without fear of making your hair greasy. It's not necessary to only use it after a hair wash, you can use serums everyday to give your hair some extra moisture to prevent it from drying out and to give it some extra life and softness. A serum like Pantene Open Hair Miracle provides extra nourishment along with the benefit of keeping frizz at bay.
Along with your usual hair care routine, throwing in an extra step at night can go a long way to having great, healthy hair. You can deep condition your hair at home using Pantene Open Hair Miracle on your hair overnight, which also acts as a nourishing agent. Using a satin pillow will also reduce friction on your hair and reduce wear and tear damage on the hair shaft. You can tie your hair in a loose braid before you sleep will also protect it from friction damage to a good extent. Everything said and done, one must follow a good hair routine of using a shampoo followed by a conditioner and a leave-in conditioner.
Salon set hair is usually heat styled. To maintain the same, must also avoid running their hand through the hair as sweat from the hands can lead to frizzy hair. If you feel your hair is getting dry and frizzy, you can use a leave-in conditioner like Pantene Open Hair Miracle on the lengths of your hair to tame the frizz and to keep them smooth and manageable. If you want your salon set hair to stay for longer, then avoid extremely hot or humid areas as the hair will start frizzing and the hairstyle will not last long. Staying in Air-Conditioning (AC) actually helps salon set hair to be maintained for longer as there is no exposure to heat or humidity.
Curly hair require more moisture and hydration than straight hair or they tend to get frizzy and unmanageable easily. Choose a shampoo that is hydrating and moisturising and most importantly according to your scalp type, and top it off with a moisturizing conditioner. Apply a leave-in conditioner or serum like Pantene Open Hair Miracle and scrunch up your hair with it. You can also use it to deep condition your hair once a week for maximum hydration and softness so, you can rock your healthy, shiny curls. For fine hair, one can use a leave-in conditioner while for thick hair one can opt for hair masks.
The frequency of washing hair depends on one's scalp type. Some may find it important to wash it more frequently than others. While I wouldn't recommend you to wash your hair daily, but if you need to wash it daily because of sweating or in case of smelly hair then it is preferable to wash it with a mild shampoo so that you don't strip your scalp of the natural oils. You can also follow it up by a conditioner or leave-in conditioner to lock in that moisture. Also if you are washing hair at night, make sure it is completely dry before you sleep, as wet hair is when the hair is at its weakest, and sleeping on it might cause friction that would damage your hair easily.
One should deep condition their hair at least once a week depending on the hair texture or requirement. After shampoo, one must use a leave-in conditioner like Pantene Open Hair Miracle to give a daily boost of hair conditioning
Deep conditioning involves using a good shampoo, conditioner and a leave-in conditioner. You can apply the Pantene Open Hair Miracle on your hair couple of hours before you shampoo and then cover your hair with a conditioner. You can also wrap your hair with a hot towel which helps penetrate the conditioner better into the hair strands. After this, rinse your hair with cold water so the moisture is locked in the hair.
Split ends happen when the ends of your hair become dry, brittle, and frayed. This could happen because of exposure to extreme weather conditions, excessive use of heat styling tools or chemicals, poor nutrition etc. It is important to note that hair damage is a process and happens over a period of time and can increase if ignored or not taken care of at the right time. While we cannot reduce spilt ends after they appear apart from cutting them off, we can surely avoid them. Here are some of the ways to avoid spilt ends - use a wide tooth comb instead of a brush, use good quality heat styling equipments, reduce the heat usage, practice more air drying than blow-drying your hair, condition your hair after every hair wash, use a good leave-in conditioner, get frequent trims and eat healthy nutritious food.
Heat Protectants on hair get activated on exposure to heat styling. They act as a barrier between the heat from the styling equipment and your hair. Apart from protecting your hair from damage and frizz, it also provides moisture and nourishment