Conditioner Essential For Frizzy Hair

Fine or thick, curly or straight, virgin or over-processed hair, there is no one with any hair type who has not experienced brittle, coarse hair.

We all have had good hair days when we come out of the salon or when we run a hair straightener through our hair but as soon as the day ends and the effect dissipates, we are all left with the horrible feeling of frizzy lifeless hair that is extremely dry to touch.

Every day, your cascading locks weather a series of storms one day, it’s your favourite heat styling equipment, the next day it’s some trending chemical or colour treatment, and the tropical heat and pollution make it more difficult, it has become imperative that we adapt some additional steps to your hair care routine for deep nourishment.

When it comes to hair beauty products in the bathroom cabinet, conditioners are often the least preferred. Although it has multi-fold benefits, like taming frizz, detangling knots, making your hair soft and shiny, and reducing hair fall , some people choose to skip it if they are in a rush to just quickly take a shower and head to work. However, a good conditioner for frizzy hair is crucial if you want those luscious sleek, and shiny locks.

What causes Frizzy hair?

Our hair consists of three layers. The outer layer is made up of microscopic scales that lie flat and tight enclosing the other two layers. It is only because of the presence of this layer our hair appears smooth and shiny. Any disruption in this layer due to any cause can expose the inner layers of the hair, making it look dull and lifeless. Here are some factors that contribute to the partial disintegration of this layer.

The oils produced by the scalp makes protect our hair from friction, keeping it moisturized, thus preventing dryness. The lack of oil from the scalp could be due to many reasons, are also being a major factor as the production of those natural oils become less frequent.

There are also environmental factors like prolonged exposure to sun and wind, humid weather, and frequent subjection of your hair to chlorinated or salty water during swimming, that affect the health of our cuticles. The moisture in the environment breaks the upper layer of hair, and the moisture is then absorbed by the inner layers making it dry and puffy.

There are various underlying health problems that can cause dry hair. The lack of nutrients in our daily diet can also be detrimental to healthy hair, even causing hair fall.

Hair maintenance is intensely personal. Some people resort to home remedies while some rely on regular salon appointments. Every woman has her own way of styling and managing her hair. However, there can be some common minor blips in your hair care routine that can negatively impact your hair like using curling irons and straighteners to style your hair, opting for chemical treatments quite often, frequently washing your hair, and rubbing your hair with coarse fibers while towel drying.

Maintaining a healthy diet , being cautious of the new trends in hair styling and coloring, periodically massaging your hair with natural oils, and always using hair conditioner for dry hair with mild shampoo can help nourish your lengths back to health.

How does conditioner help in making hair smooth?

You always apply your slippery sweet-smelling conditioner after washing your hair, but have you ever wondered how exactly it turns your clumped frizzy hair into a stockpile of silkiness, in just a few minutes?

There is some science involved in understanding this chemical romance. The outer layer of our hair is made up of flakes that combine to form cuticles. These flakes are tightly bound in shiny hair, the cuticle reflects off light making the hair look glossy and smooth. The cuticle layer over time gets worn out making the hair look frizzy like frayed rope.

The molecules in the conditioner, being positively charged bind it to the hair cuticles that are negatively charged. They cover the cuticle flakes and bind them tightly to the inner layers, making hair smooth and soft. Conditioners for dry hair is important because the upper layer gets worn out quickly. Deep conditioner for dry hair and its application at least once a week is needed to give dry hair the adequate nourishment.

Best conditioner for frizzy hair

Most people are tragically unaware of the impact different conditioners can have on different hair types. This is why, some feel that their conditioner is weighing their hair down, or it is not providing the intense hydration their hair needs. Choosing and committing to the perfect formula can drastically change your hair. Conditioners for frizzy hair and curly hair are extra moisturizing whereas people with damaged or thin hair go for strengthening or balancing conditioners.

Conditioners for frizzy hair that provide intense hydration, should be opted for.

If your hair is damaged, look for a more potent conditioner that strengthens the strands. Pantene 2-in-1 Hair Fall Control Shampoo is the perfect choice for dry and damaged hair. With the best conditioning for dry hair at home coupled with a mild shampoo that gently cleanses the dirt off your hair without ripping your scalp off the natural oils.

The traditional blend of Fermented rice water and Pro-vitamin B5, deeply conditions the hair reducing split ends , frizz, and hair loss due to breakage. Pantene Advanced Hair Fall Solution Conditioner penetrates the hair shaft giving the hair fiber cuticles that much coveted glossy texture. You will fall in love with your sprightly curls and that sleek luxe cashmere effect on your hair after just one wash.

Hair care problems are varied for different people, so your hair care products should also be so. Take a look at our diverse range of Pantene Shampoos and Pantene Conditioners and pick your choice!